Persönlich // About
Ich lebe als unabhängig arbeitender Fotograf und Grafiker in Basel, Schweiz. //
I’m living as an independent Photographer and Graphic Designer in Basel, Switzerland.

Arbeit // Work Activity
Since 2000 Vent Identity, Basel, Owner, Visual Design, Photography and Marketing
1999-2000 Valencia Kommunikation AG, Basel, Graphic Designer
1995-1999 Edition Rabten, Le Mont-Pèlerin, Editorial Designer, Art Director
1994-1995 Ernst Spycher Architects, Basel, Architectural Draftsman
1992-1993 Schwob & Sutter Architects, Basel-Landschaft, Architectural Draftsman

Ausbildung // Education
2013 Portrait photography, Vocational College for Art and Design, Zurich
2010-2017 Japanese Calligraphy (Sumi-e), Katharina Shepherd, Sigriswil
1998-1999 Marketing and communication, SAWI, Biel
1989-1992 Professional Baccalaureate Arts Option, Academy of Art and Design, Basel
1988-1992 Apprenticeship Architectural Draftsman, Schwob & Sutter Architects, Basel-Landschaft

Ausstellungen // Exhibitions
2011 Atrium, Liestal
2000 Kunstkeller, Basel